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Buyer’s Consolidation

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Buyer’s Consolidation

Our expertise team has got the thorough knowledge of how to handle goods from our customers who get them from multiple suppliers. This in turn gives us the advantage of optimizing the capacity of the containers to the fullest. The very main benefits of Buyer’s consolidation are reduced cost, less cargo handling with high reliability. It is basically amalgamating smaller LCL shipments into a Larger container for greater efficiency.    

Logistics in India (3)

Advantage of Buyer’s Consolidation

The biggest advantage of buyer’s consolidation is – when you don’t have enough cargo which can fill the whole container, so you can always choose this smart option. In this case you can let your cargo to be consolidated into a shared container which will comprise of the goods of other importers. Hence, the landed cost will be reduced and elimination of handling and transportation fees as well. 


With SAR as your logistics’ partner, you can crack a great deal by amalgamating your cargo with the goods of other importers and enjoy reduced risk of handling.    

Shrutika Gandhi

Priyanka Singh

+91 829-188-7194

+91 916-767-0003

