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Project Cargo

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  3. Project Cargo

Project Cargo

Shipping of heavy, large, high value, multi-dimensional, complex cargos and pieces of equipment on a national and international level is called ‘Project Cargo’. The industries like engineering, construction, oil and gas, mining and wind power need project cargo services. We at SAR provide project cargo logistics service easily to our clients and shed their burden of transporting heavy goods nationally and internationally both.      


Project Cargo 1
Project Cargo 2

Our expertise in ‘Project Cargo’ handling

We know ‘Project Cargo’ needs detailed engineering, special expertise, intense care and minute detailing to transport and manage heavy-lift cargoes and types of equipment. Our smart and experienced team suggests cost-effective solutions to transport heavy cargo safely.     

SAR Transport makes the project cargo efficient by pre-planning the operation’s procedure. Years of experience and efficiency in handling complex cargos make us the first choice for our customers.     

We very well know how to transport methodically at a minimal cost no matter what the destination is. Our competency helps us in delivering projects successfully. Over the years we have delivered several project cargo shipments by keeping the cost and time into consideration.  

Divya Tripathi

+91 987-006-6550
