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As A Fully-Bonded And Licensed Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC), SAR Transport Provides International Shipping Rates.
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  3. NVOCC

What is NVOCC?

Our consultants analyse your existing systems and implement a tailored solution

Licensed NVOCC

Integration projects require in-depth technical knowledge of many subjects.

Our Network

Understanding the total costs related to shipping and logistics operations.

What is NVOCC?

NVOCC which is an abbreviation of Non Vessel Owning Common Carrier consists of selling and transporting the containers to the gateway ports. The  NVOCC freight forwarders always have a contract with the shipping lines. The contract is the guarantee for shipping a number of units annually. In returns of the shipment, the shipping lines present favourable rates to the agents of NVOCC.

An NVOCC company doesn’t own any asset, still acts as a carrier and issues bill of lading. An NVOCC service need not be a partner with the shippers but shippers need to be partners with the NVOCC company or NVOCC freight forwarder.


Licensed NVOCC

The main work of an NVOCC is to book a large quantity of space with the ships and to sell the same to the shippers in the amounts they need. They also integrate small shipments of Less Container Load (LCL) and also issues House Bill of Lading (HBL). An NVOCC acts as a carrier to shipper and shipper to carrier. They are the virtual carriers but hold all the liabilities of a carrier legally.

Our Extensive Network

As your NVOCC, SAR Transport chooses the best forwarding routes and carriers for your ocean freight from Nhava Sheva / Mundra to Gulf and upper Gulf . We have port registrations in all major ports in India, we offer international shipping rates, issue bills of lading and manage the routing of shipments on water and land. Our logistics specialists can concentrate on getting your cargo to its destination while providing you with world-class service and visibility throughout the entire process.